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Episode Updates
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Episode 41 Part 2 Update 4
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: *Bond's Explosive*

Okay. Here's the deal. This isn't much of an update on how far I've gotten on Part 2.

I've gotten WAY too many questions asking when Parts 2 and 3 are coming out. Is like no one reading this blog [Huh. I should probably stop typing this and just let a part come out once a week. That'll show you guys?] -.-

As for little things you guys mistake me for, I might as well put my bio down. As if THAT'S worth reading. But really, I'm not as old as you guys think. *mutters*

Nickname: Joycie

Age: I'm not that old. Seriously.

Grade: Junior High.

Occupations [besides sports & HAS]- Pianist, Violist, Violinist (Viola& Violin), Student, Josie& Kishi's "Toy", Vanilla Snowflake's master, Jay's owner..

Position in HAS: Founder, Senior Subber, EpDates Manager, Jay's master


Color: Ice Blue

Food: Chocolate Mocha

Anime: Ouran High School & Fruits Basket

Manga: St. Lunatic High School

Animal: Penguins & Seals

Move: Beillmann

Clothing Company: Hollister [We are California after all(:]

Style: Generally very casual and preppy. I'm a simplistic dresser. No need to have 4 layers, I take it as 2 tanks and a jacket. x]

Personality in a Nut: Loud, Cheerful and "Smart" Person who loves nothing more than hanging out with friends [or on a date with a really nice guy]

My Counterpart Shiro:

Favorite Food: Soybeans

Personality in a Nut: Opposite of Joycie. He is extremely sane and never steps [or flops] out of line. Will never be seen doing anything that breaks any rules. A real goody goody if you get what I mean. [Shiro- I am not! I just like order, which sadly, Joycie can't seem to make]


Posted by heartarrowsubs at 6:24 PM PST
Updated: Saturday, January 12, 2008 1:57 PM PST
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