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Episode Updates
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Episode 40 Part 2 Update 4

Part 2 has been uploaded onto youtube! It's not live yet haha. But I had to say I finished it. LOL.

Sorry I didnt sub the songs. I got the translations but then realized it was too much work, and plus, most people skip the songs anyways x]


Posted by heartarrowsubs at 9:22 PM PST
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Episode 40 Part 2 Update 3

Oops! Sorry for the delay! Mom chased me off my compie =[

I'll be back on around 9... so I guess Part 2 won't be up unti 10. The good news is that I only have one more line to put in! WHEE!


Posted by heartarrowsubs at 7:38 PM PST
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Episode 40 Part 2 Update 2

WELL, Joycie is working it so we hav 4:32 done so far.. woot! Only another 4 minutes to go. [So about 2.5 more hours til release time! LOL]

Sadly, this means im extremely tired and probably wont sub anymore after part 2 is out [unless Editor-san chases with me a rolling pin *shiver*]



Posted by heartarrowsubs at 4:31 PM PST
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Episode 40 Part 2 Update 1

Okay okay. I'm finally being not-so-lazy soooo Part 2 is getting MOOOOVE on [and might be out late tonight if I dont slack off(:]

So right now, it looks like part 2 is going to be 8:18.. haha

A few edits- I think I'm going to fiddle around with fonts. Impact seemed to take out way too much space.. We'll see.

I also want to list our color coding system by who is speaking ^^

Lucia- Light pink

Hanon- Ice blue

Rina- Lime green

Hippo- Originally Periwinkle [or dark periwinkle]-> Changing to LIGHTER periwinkle.

Nikora [she doesnt even have a line at this part. just one appearence so far in part 1]- Light Lavender

Sheshe- Light Red [but not pink!]

Mimi- Lighter Aqua

Izuru- Slightly Darker than Sheshe's

Maria: Slightly lighter than Hippo's

Gaito- not sure yet. probably light grey or off white

Mitsuki- light light tan

Kaito and other minor characters- WHITE

[an exception was when the people brought Rina a tv.. couldn't use white because the background was white lol]

Um I think thats far. Part one has gotten a decent amount of views since it has only been up for 13 hours to this point.

Goal:750 views by NEXT Saturday [I think we're overachieving but whatever..]


Shiro & Joycie

Posted by heartarrowsubs at 1:00 PM PST
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Friday, January 4, 2008
Episode 40 Part 1 Update 7
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: *Jaws Theme* DUN DUN DUN

Okay. It's official! Part 1 is FINALLY up once and for all [with one mistake. lucia's pink text reverts to a darker pink at 4:16]



The Heart Arrow FanSubbing Team ^^

Posted by heartarrowsubs at 10:40 PM PST
Updated: Friday, January 4, 2008 11:51 PM PST
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Episode 40 Part 1 Update 6

Okay, this is taking longer than we thought.. HAHAHA. So far we: Uploaded, Deleted, Edited, Uploaded, Deleted, Edited, and Uploaded again. This is our THIRD try and hopefully, I havent made any more stupid mistakes. If Youtube isnt being slow right now, the video should be live by the time I come back to the computer.


Shirogoma- Joycie

Posted by heartarrowsubs at 9:29 PM PST
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Episode 40 Part 1 Update 5

Okay, on second thought, we took down Ep40 Part 1 due to the fact that some subs looked REALLY small. However, that's already been fixed, and we are reuploading! Sorry for the delay(:


Shirogoma- Joycie

Posted by heartarrowsubs at 8:25 PM PST
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Episode 40 Part 1 Update 4
Mood:  on fire

WOOT! Part 1 is done. Uploading on to youtube right now! Check back to see when it becomes public ^^



Posted by heartarrowsubs at 7:06 PM PST
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Ep40Pt1 Update 3

Good news. Part 1 is at 4:36 [if Joycie is actually MOVING faster] and will be released in [assuming she doesn't take a break] TWO HOURS!!

Let the countdown begin to HAS' FIRST RELEASE!



Posted by heartarrowsubs at 5:45 PM PST
Updated: Friday, January 4, 2008 7:05 PM PST
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Episode 40 Part 1 Update 2
Mood:  happy

Whee! As of 4:30pm, 3:03 has been done [believe me, subbing is NOT easy!!]

At this rate, Ep40 Part ONE will be scheduled for release either TONIGHT [January 4] or January 5th.

A quick notice- Only our preview was put on Veoh. All of our published material will be available for viewing on Youtube under the account HeartArrowSubs.

As for Web updates, Pandy got Lucia and Hanon's pages running and she has also linked our Geocities site to our photo album.

Guestbook will be up soon! [And a site counter, provided we find one that is suitable]

Thank you for all your support!



Shirogoma- Joycie

Posted by heartarrowsubs at 4:34 PM PST
Updated: Friday, January 4, 2008 4:36 PM PST
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Thursday, January 3, 2008
Video Update
Now Playing: *Punk Rock Princess*

Added in the rest of the *clips* to Episode 40. Part 1 is OFFICIALLY going to 6:08. I also discovered there will also be no ending or "next time on Mermaid Melody." HAHA [saves us the work too!]


Shiro Speaking- 

Because Joycie [shes so clutzy] accidently "screwed up" the logo and didnt ask for the Senior Graphic Artist [Kishi] BEFORE she started, our logo is smack between the Episode Title and the actual episode [She means 1:30]

So just for laughs, she added in the logo [she says she had to put it SOMEWHERE] at 1:30... with music. And we are talking ROCK music. But hey, you only have to bear it for 3 seconds *snicker*

Btw, the opening of the song is Punk Rock Princess by Something Corporate, so please bear with her.. and her insanity. [Joycie: "HEY! I wanted to put a GONG sound, so Punk Rock Princess isn't going to kill our viewers!"]




I'm Shiro, Joycie's "mamegoma" counterpart. I'm basically her, she's me, however, *I* have a sense of sanity [unlike her].

Posted by heartarrowsubs at 11:54 PM PST
Updated: Friday, January 4, 2008 5:57 PM PST
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Webbie Update

Well well well..

Our Geocities site has the Staff page up with Shiro and Sora's pictures up.

Our Angelfire site has now been updated with a photoalbum [and still uploading]

 Youtube Account is setup- HeartArrowSubs

Freewebs site secured!


Shirogoma- Joycie

Posted by heartarrowsubs at 10:57 PM PST
Updated: Thursday, January 3, 2008 11:01 PM PST
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Episode 40 Update 1!
Mood:  bright

Episode 40 is currently does NOT have "previously on" or the opening theme. It cuts straight to the beginning.

Currently, 1:26 has been subbed [basically up to the episode name part..the pink thing page lol!]


Shimagoma- Joycie

Posted by heartarrowsubs at 5:32 PM PST
Updated: Thursday, January 3, 2008 11:02 PM PST
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Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: Get-Away-From-Editor-San!!

Well, it's official- Heart Arrow Subs has now been launched [although no one knows about us.. YET while im typing this HAHAHA]

I suppose I'll have to type this as if we were well known..just for future laughs [and references].

 Heart Arrow Subs is a fansubbing group that specializes in Chinese to English to Japanese subbing. What does this mean? It means we dont fully understand Japanese LOL. So instead, we take animes that have been dubbed in either Cantonese or Mandarin and translate it to English. From the English translations, we slap it on to the Japanese episode.. and *BAM* there we have an episode.

We do NOT tolerate begging, flaming or criticism of ANY KIND. Any negative comments we get only serve to delay our releases. Once we get too many, Heart Arrow Subs will stop releasing subbed episodes to the general public.

WE DO NOT WANT ANY BEGGING. We translate, sub, edit, and time at OUR OWN PACE. We will NOT work to meet deadlines, and therefore have no obligations to sub.

Our Mamegoma Credits page is not up YET [at this point] so I will put it in here.

Mamegomas are little seals [12cm/5in] that weigh about 200g when fully grown. They are small enough to live in a common fish bowl [with a few ice cubes]. They LOVE to eat soybeans despite common nature. There are a few subspecies based on color.

Shirogoma [White]- Joycie: Senior Subber, Webmanager

Soragoma [Blue]- Charla: Timer & Encoder

Shimagoma [Brown]- Nate: Senior Translator & Editor

Sakuragoma [Pink]- Pandy: Translator, Web Manager

Tissue-san- Kishi: Senior Graphic Artist

Well that's about it for our Rules&Basics Post. Haha. After this, Episode Updates will dominate the blog as well as Website Updates.



Shirogoma- Joycie

Posted by heartarrowsubs at 4:27 PM PST
Updated: Sunday, January 6, 2008 10:01 PM PST
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