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Episode Updates
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Episode 43 Part 1 Update 8

43-1 is LIVE now(:

And Joycie is hitting the hay...

Btw, I finally did SOMETHING to the minor supporting characters page.. teehee.



Posted by heartarrowsubs at 10:59 PM PST
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Episode 43 Part 1 Update 7

Woot! Finished 43-1. Be happy! Rejoice! Oh yay. Now I have a science final. How fun.

 LOL. I'm uploading on to Youtube right now. Expect it in 20 minutes(:


I'll post again when it's done and when that happens, I'm going to bed teehee!

Posted by heartarrowsubs at 10:12 PM PST
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Monday, January 28, 2008
Episode 43 Part 1 Update 6


 Not much improvement since I've been studying like the devil D:<

 I'm off to Disneyland tommorrow so it'll probably be done Wednesday. Wow its been SO long since I've released anything. LOL. [I promise once this havoc-y week is done, I'm gonna sub like mad]



Posted by heartarrowsubs at 9:56 PM PST
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Sunday, January 27, 2008
Episode 43 Part 1 Update 5
4:38/8:15 done.

Posted by heartarrowsubs at 11:06 PM PST
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Episode 43 Part 1 Update 4

Wow. It's been a while since I updated this blog. LOL. Sorry guys!

2:15/8:14 *sighs*

Probably will get to 3:00 or so by the time I go to bed.

 I would like to point out that this week is supposetly a "break week" but I'm doing the best I can with subbing [and avoiding mom] as well as studying, practicing for piano exams, and a viola recital. It's a HARD life =[

By the way, I did release a short clip of all our graphics [includes all the Mamegomas&&Sprites, the Mermaid Princesses, the entire cast photos, my own photoshop creations @.@, as well as Len from La Corda d'Oro [I'm such a Len fan], and random kawaiiii stuff(:

Anyhows, it seems as if the whole net is suspended on Episode 43. How sad.. I guess I'll have to move it >.<



Posted by heartarrowsubs at 9:56 PM PST
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Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Too bad for you.

Well I think I've gotten wayyyy too many complaints.

I have said that I will sub at MY own pace. Not how fast YOU want me to sub. STOP COMPLAINING, I AM ON THE BRINK OF DROPPING THE PROJECT [I DO have finals now and I AM under alot of stress, not to mention putting up with the people who watch]

 Thank you to everyone who encourages me(:

A few notes that are seriously irratating-

Heart Arrow SUBS. We do not DUB. Get it right! You may not realize this, but it is VERY insulting when people comment and say "thank you for dubbing." It even SAYS on the title SUBBED and unless my eyes are wrong, an "s" looks NOTHING like a "d."

Second, DO NOT MESSAGE US TO HURRY UP. If you can't write anything nice, DONT WRITE ANYTHING AT ALL. "Sorry, but could you please hurry up" IS NOT NICE. Just because you say sorry does NOT mean it isn't a complaint. It is just as insulting as "hurry up" [actually more]

 If you don't believe how long it takes to sub, TRY IT YOURSELF. You will be SURPRISED at how long it takes. -_-


Okay sorry for venting. I'm usually all nicey-nice but now I feel like a mean person because of spoiled watchers. My word of advice? Watch some RAWS. You'll get used to it and be able to understand them eventually. You can't always rely on subs.



FYI we ARE subbing at a slower pace due to all the complaints. It makes us really really peeved and therefore we do more FUN things like actually WATCH anime ^^


Remember, we are not your slaves! Yes, I do feel like a public slave because I SLAVE away at subbing. It's not fun.

Posted by heartarrowsubs at 10:12 PM PST
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Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Episode 43 Part 1 Update 3

1:30 done for people who must know(:

I'm going slow, but that's because I was studying [tomorrow's test determines the rest of my math classes!]

Anyhows, its been SOOO long since I've watched an anime episode for my own enjoyment.. so me and Carol are watching Alice Academy(:

Posted by heartarrowsubs at 10:13 PM PST
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Monday, January 21, 2008
Episode 43 Part 1 Update 2
Now Playing: Angels Eyes

Haha. I only got :45 subbed. How sad xP

 At least Pandy translated the whole episode..

 Ah well. Back to school tomorrow *sighs*

Check out the quick graphics vid I made o_o

It's terrible but I didn't feel like subbing [tired!] so enjoy all the graphics we use here [plus random ones that appear on our Photo Album [[Deviations]]. LOL enjoy it.. I think]

Posted by heartarrowsubs at 9:25 PM PST
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Episode 43 Part 1 Update 1

Finally getting started... o_o

Posted by heartarrowsubs at 5:14 PM PST
Updated: Monday, January 21, 2008 5:19 PM PST
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Sunday, January 20, 2008
Episode 42 Part 2 Update 2

42-2 is up!! [Thanks to Sora]

Trip was awesome//cold o_o

Anyhows, Shiro&&Joycie are working.. sort of xP

 Let's hope 43-1 gets up tonight.. assuming Joycie doesn't fiddle with her iPod too much..

Posted by heartarrowsubs at 8:21 PM PST
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

We would like to announce that Heart Arrow Subs is taking a short break. Current break days are as follows.

[Yes we do have parts done, just not released]

1/16/08- 1/20/08 [Joycie will be at camp]

1/22/08-1/25/08 [Finals havoc]

1/29/07-1/30/08 [Disneyland babyyy<3]

I think thats it. We'll probably release a few parts here and there. I don't think we're going to release more than 3 parts during this wacky season. Also, we are taking it easy as report cards are coming out. If we end up with bad report cards [especially my honors math class] then I might have to sub less frequently which means Carol will take over [because she's still in elementary school and therefore doesn't worry too much about grades but she has a big India project]


We're very sorry for this.


-Heart Arrow Subs Team(:

Posted by heartarrowsubs at 9:41 PM PST
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Sunday, January 13, 2008
Episode 42 Part 2 Update 1

Greetings people(:

I'm not really updating anything but Sora told me to..

She just wanted to say that Part 2 is at 3:26 [halfway there]

Lol. I know you guys have already seen RPM's subs but they are sorta hard to read.

I also get the feeling that fans are choosing sides. Whether to watch Heart Arrow subs or to watch RedPearlMermaid subs. There's no need for that. MayReanna [Cherri] and I have been discussing about merging [them being put into our group] and working together to release them even faster and more accurate(:

Cherri agrees, but we aren't precisely sure about RPM yet.

P.S. It seems as if the questions arent flowing in. I think it's because we dont list our email. It's


Heart Arrow Subs has ONE open position left for Japanese Translator!!

Requirements: Fluently able to understand Japanese & English, Have an AIM sn [if you don't, you can use meebo as well without downloading], and you must be FUN AND FRIENDLY(: [The whole group consists of Elem-High School kids so please understand us!]

Each Staff member gets their own sprite/avvie that is PERSONALIZED [basically you choose]. The only restriction is that the character must be a San-X creation LOL. Our Senior Graphic Artist does them and we put them up along with your bio.

Please apply for this position! We need a translator for the PURE series [as most of them are not up in canto]!!!

All applications can be submitted to:

Comment to this blog! I check daily!

Our Youtube Account! HeartArrowSubs

Our Veoh Account! HeartArrow

HAS' Email!

Our Guestbook!

Instant Message Me on AIM! Sn: PureWhiteMoon

Wow, thats a ton of contacting ways. Well, I won't include my adress.. I don't need to see fan mail Thank you! *bows*

Also, HAS would not work without our fans! You guys are the ones who keep us going! If it weren't for you, we would all be depressed and release one part per month! Thank you everyone! *sincere smile*


Posted by heartarrowsubs at 10:04 PM PST
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Saturday, January 12, 2008
Episode 42 Part 1 Update 1

Today we have released:

Episode 41 Part 2

Episode 41 Part 3

To be released today:

Episode 42-1

Tentative on Todays Release:

Episode 43-1

Well, like I said, we would make up for our lack of releases the past two days. ^^



Posted by heartarrowsubs at 6:26 PM PST
Updated: Sunday, January 13, 2008 1:03 PM PST
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Episode 41 Part 2 & 3 Update 8-5


41-2: Upladed, Live, and Watchable! WHEE!!

41-3: Finished Editing, Transferred, and Uploading!


Yeayeayea. We're getting monster parts out today(:

-Joycie =DDDDD

Posted by heartarrowsubs at 4:59 PM PST
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Episode 41 Part 2 & 3 Update 7-4

Whee! Status on next 3 parts:

41-2: DONE!! [Currently transferring into WMM file, will be uploaded. Expect it live in 45 minutes!]

 41-3: DONE! Need edits, which I'm going to do as soon as WMM file finishes.

42-1: 4:26/6:00 [Sora is working fast, but it's not really needed o_o]


 PS: Like I promised, 2 parts will be out today! Expect them both by dinner [PST. We are Californians after all. LoveHollister<3]

Posted by heartarrowsubs at 4:12 PM PST
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Episode 41 Part 2 & 3 Update 6-3
Now Playing: *Concerto in Silence Minor*

I forgot to state that I don't actually have translations to 41-2 and that's why MY subbing part is so slow. Haha. Without the translations, I have to translate each line and type it in, and then time it. >.> [Takes about three times longer even though I understand Canto]

Anyhow the Status...

41-2: 4:18/7:55 [Abit more than halfway done]

41-3: DONE! [Editing Process]

42-1: New Part we are working on. Got 2:10 done. Whoo Sora. My speedy lil sis.. who isn't distracted unless she finds a manga book lying around. *sighs* I have to hide those until shes done LOOOOL.

By the way, Episode 42 will be done only by Sora because there is already a subbed episode out. Therefore, there is no need for the rush of this episode. Shiro&I will be working on 43 right after 41, leaving 42 to go slow(:

Btw, just to answer your question Shruti, Snow is my "pet" mamegoma. Shiro is my "counterpart" aka my alias. My sis Carol is known as Charla but her counterpart is Sora. Hahaha. Same goes for Priscilla/Pandy aka Sakura, Nate aka Shima, and Jay aka Kuro/Kero.



Posted by heartarrowsubs at 12:52 PM PST
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Friday, January 11, 2008
Episode 41 Part 2 & 3 Update 5-2

Sooo.. our status is good right now. Since we haven't released anything in 2 days, we'll make up for it by releasing 41-2 and 41-3 Tommorrow! Okay, so you guys are impatient, but so what? We're kids, we got school, and we like to have leisure time rather than slave away subbing. x]

I'm jk. We enjoy the comments our fans give us [really! leave more of them!!]

Current Status..

41-2: 3:58/7:54<- This one is seriously SLOW. In 3 hours, I subbed ONE MINUTE [mostly because I kept chatting on AIM. LOL]

41-3: DONE! Just need to do some slight edits(: [P.S. Sora did this one too.. everytime it says NEEDS EDITS, you know its Sora's]

42-1: No subs, but RAW has been DL'ed and Translated. Subbing begins tommorrow. We'll let Sora take her own sweet time doing the whole episode.

Sure, dissapointing that we haven't released in 2 days. Record. I just wanted to point out that I will be gone next weekend, so probably only 2 parts will come out next week. Sorry! I'm up to the mountains to freeze my butt off, burn peoples feet with flamethrowers, and shoot their eyesockets with LASERS [Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation- Found in Kirby and the Amazing Mirror- so games do have SOME EDUCATIONAL VALUE!!!]

Also I will be out to Disneyland the following week. That's just one day I get to have FUNNN with my LOTS of my friends and skip school. And that is why orchestra rocks ^^

Omigosh. I sound like a nerd o_o


Sora is reading as well.

So is Snow [My pet mamegoma]

(Shiro- Joycie-bochama, please get to bed. You have viola lessons tommorrow morning. Sora-bochama!! Please do not mamenap Snow. Joycie will be very very angry!!)

Posted by heartarrowsubs at 10:58 PM PST
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Thursday, January 10, 2008
Episode 41 Part 3 Update 1

Wowie! I think that Part 3 will come out before Part 2 because Sora's got 3:49 done [compared to Part 2's 2:26.. I haven't done ANY subbing today because of my poetry project]

The odd thing is that I wrote about loss and death and I drew black roses for the border. Sorta like Yuri's Dark Rose Requiem o_O


Yours deadly,



Posted by heartarrowsubs at 11:35 PM PST
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Episode 41 Part 2 Update 4
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: *Bond's Explosive*

Okay. Here's the deal. This isn't much of an update on how far I've gotten on Part 2.

I've gotten WAY too many questions asking when Parts 2 and 3 are coming out. Is like no one reading this blog [Huh. I should probably stop typing this and just let a part come out once a week. That'll show you guys?] -.-

As for little things you guys mistake me for, I might as well put my bio down. As if THAT'S worth reading. But really, I'm not as old as you guys think. *mutters*

Nickname: Joycie

Age: I'm not that old. Seriously.

Grade: Junior High.

Occupations [besides sports & HAS]- Pianist, Violist, Violinist (Viola& Violin), Student, Josie& Kishi's "Toy", Vanilla Snowflake's master, Jay's owner..

Position in HAS: Founder, Senior Subber, EpDates Manager, Jay's master


Color: Ice Blue

Food: Chocolate Mocha

Anime: Ouran High School & Fruits Basket

Manga: St. Lunatic High School

Animal: Penguins & Seals

Move: Beillmann

Clothing Company: Hollister [We are California after all(:]

Style: Generally very casual and preppy. I'm a simplistic dresser. No need to have 4 layers, I take it as 2 tanks and a jacket. x]

Personality in a Nut: Loud, Cheerful and "Smart" Person who loves nothing more than hanging out with friends [or on a date with a really nice guy]

My Counterpart Shiro:

Favorite Food: Soybeans

Personality in a Nut: Opposite of Joycie. He is extremely sane and never steps [or flops] out of line. Will never be seen doing anything that breaks any rules. A real goody goody if you get what I mean. [Shiro- I am not! I just like order, which sadly, Joycie can't seem to make]


Posted by heartarrowsubs at 6:24 PM PST
Updated: Saturday, January 12, 2008 1:57 PM PST
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Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Episode 41 Part 2 Update 3
Now Playing: *Mozart's Funeral March*

Sorry sorry! I know I said Part 2 would be out today, but I just felt so exhausted I subbed really really slow. I'm only at 2:36 right now *sighs*

I think I spent too much energy this morning and used my remaining strength editing Sora's subs on Part 1. At least Part 1 is up! I guarentee Part 2 will be out tommorrow ONLY if I don't have too much homework [I could have to write a quick one day essay tommorrow]

Anyhow, not much to update on because Part 2 is only going to be 1/4 finished by the time I'm dead here. *sighs*


2 Random Phrases in Japanese.


Pronounced [Ny-ee-sho]

Meaning: Secret [Can be said to mean "It's a se-cr-et"]

Dadake no Waywa?

Pronounciation: [Dah-day-ka-no-way-waw]

Meaning: Who was that?

Posted by heartarrowsubs at 10:58 PM PST
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