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Episode Updates
Friday, January 11, 2008
Episode 41 Part 2 & 3 Update 5-2

Sooo.. our status is good right now. Since we haven't released anything in 2 days, we'll make up for it by releasing 41-2 and 41-3 Tommorrow! Okay, so you guys are impatient, but so what? We're kids, we got school, and we like to have leisure time rather than slave away subbing. x]

I'm jk. We enjoy the comments our fans give us [really! leave more of them!!]

Current Status..

41-2: 3:58/7:54<- This one is seriously SLOW. In 3 hours, I subbed ONE MINUTE [mostly because I kept chatting on AIM. LOL]

41-3: DONE! Just need to do some slight edits(: [P.S. Sora did this one too.. everytime it says NEEDS EDITS, you know its Sora's]

42-1: No subs, but RAW has been DL'ed and Translated. Subbing begins tommorrow. We'll let Sora take her own sweet time doing the whole episode.

Sure, dissapointing that we haven't released in 2 days. Record. I just wanted to point out that I will be gone next weekend, so probably only 2 parts will come out next week. Sorry! I'm up to the mountains to freeze my butt off, burn peoples feet with flamethrowers, and shoot their eyesockets with LASERS [Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation- Found in Kirby and the Amazing Mirror- so games do have SOME EDUCATIONAL VALUE!!!]

Also I will be out to Disneyland the following week. That's just one day I get to have FUNNN with my LOTS of my friends and skip school. And that is why orchestra rocks ^^

Omigosh. I sound like a nerd o_o


Sora is reading as well.

So is Snow [My pet mamegoma]

(Shiro- Joycie-bochama, please get to bed. You have viola lessons tommorrow morning. Sora-bochama!! Please do not mamenap Snow. Joycie will be very very angry!!)

Posted by heartarrowsubs at 10:58 PM PST
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Saturday, January 12, 2008 - 6:43 AM PST

Name: "shruti"

well...thnx a lot for considering our feelings n eagerness n subbing as fast as possible....enjoy ur trip to disneyland...n dont worry..though we r impatient...we wudnt mind if u r taking a break!!!!(as u r making up for it...ha ha ha)i personally feel that ur speed is pretty fast as u r managing to release one FULL ep in a week.....that is if u r able to rease it in that pace the next week as well(no...just kidding) you really have a mamegoma called shiro?????i mean they are just cartoons arent they.....well thats wut i thought!!!

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